The Seattle Opera hit a major milestone today in its construction of a new administrative and workshop space in Seattle Center, placing the final steel beam atop the building’s structure. The beam was signed by more than 250 opera donors, patrons and employees and accompanied by music and a prop horse from the Wagner opera The Valkyrie. The new space situated in the northeast corner of Seattle Center will feature large windows facing Fourth Avenue North and Mercer St that allow passerby to peer into the costume shop and community spaces. The building allows Seattle Opera direct access to the McCaw Hall stage where it performs, and provide offices and educational space for engaging with the Seattle community. The 105,000 sq. ft. site is owned by the City of Seattle, with the opera company holding a long-term lease. About 87% of the space’s $60 million cost has currently been raised through a mix of public funding and private donations.

McCaw Hall, Performance Space of Seattle Opera. Image Credit: fortes (CC by 2.0)
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